Ben Ding
Age at Induction: 10
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 3
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 100 Mile Club Member, 2X Gold Award Recipient, 2X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: Yorktown 4 for the 4th 5K Race, Ball State Chase Charlie 5K Race, and 500 Festival Mini-Mini 2-Mile Race
Other Sports and Activities: Swim, Badminton, and Soccer
Favorite Subject in School: Math
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: Running!
Age at Induction: 10
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 5
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 2X 100 Mile Club Member, Gold Award Recipient, Silver Award Recipient, Bronze Award Recipient, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: Yorktown Track Camp
Other Sports and Activities: Football, Basketball, and Track
Favorite Subject in School: Physical Education
Age at Induction: 11
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 4
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 2X 100 Mile Club Member, Gold Award Recipient, Bronze Award Recipient, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Sports and Activities: Church, Camp, Mowing, Skating, Biking
Favorite Subject in School: Bible
Myles Rench
Age at Induction: 10
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 5
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 2X 100 Mile Club Member, Gold Award Recipient, Silver Award Recipient, Bronze Award Recipient, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: Yorktown Track Camp
Other Sports and Activities: Football, Basketball, and Track
Favorite Subject in School: Physical Education
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: Being outside and Running
Cassius Crum
Age at Induction: 11
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 4
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 2X 100 Mile Club Member, Gold Award Recipient, Bronze Award Recipient, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Sports and Activities: Church, Camp, Mowing, Skating, Biking
Favorite Subject in School: Bible
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: Improving my endurance
Thomas Loney
Age at Induction: 11
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 3
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 2X 100 Mile Club Member, Gold Award Recipient, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: Savannah Posey Run, 4 for the 4th, YMS Cross Country, YMS Track
Other Sports and Activities: YMS Cross Country,YMS Track, academic bowl, swim team
Favorite Subject in School: Math
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: Friendships
Owen Lamb
Age at Induction: 11
Years in Yorktown Roadrunners: 3
Yorktown Roadrunners Awards: 100 Mile Club Member, 2X Gold Award Recipient, 3X Commitment Award Recipient
Other Running Accomplishments: 4 for the 4th Race in Yorktown, Yorktown Middle School Cross Country and Track
Other Sports and Activities:
Favorite Subject in School: Algebra
Favorite Thing about Roadrunners: Running